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  Anna Maria
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  Zaza Leah
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Hey my dear,
I am a single mom of a beautiful girl called Somea. We are both full of love, joy and inspiration for life! Cuddling, playing music, singing, playing outside and in water, sitting in the grass, meeting friends and people, cooking and eating, being with her grandparents and laughing are some of our most favorite things we do together. 🥰 Being part of our loving universe and happiverse is contagious and will enhance your level of happiness and wellbeing beyond realization ☺️🤩😍🫶🏽. I guarantee you that being part of our lives will make your heart shine and your soul flourish. 🥰

I work for UNICEF HQ in New York remotely in the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support unit and the Child Protection in Emergencies department.

I am looking for a loving, caring and happy nanny (native Italian) who would love to babysit my beautiful daughter (just turned 1 year mid July) for a couple of hours with love, joy and patience.

I am half Italian, half German and speak both languages with her. I would love for you to speak in Italian with her so that she has more Italian language in her life.

Not a must 😊 but a plus ☺️ would be, if you had an African or mixed background, as this is also part of my daughter’s background.

The most important thing for me is that you love what you do and can create a loving, caring and enabling relationship with my daughter.

She will start going to the Kita in September but I will need on 1-2 days support in the afternoons as I am working and have to cover meetings during that time that the Kita does not cover. Tuesdays and Thursdays are days where I have meetings in the afternoon and one of those days would be covered by you. I have another babysitter already who would cover the other day.

If you are interested, I would be happy to hear from you.


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